Version 3.2.7 (January 6, 2025) --------------------------------- Stabilization -Fixed throttle gyro arming to work even when AS3X is INH (on primary and additional gyro systems) -Added option to disable startup gyro calibration. This disables SAFE and Heading hold. -Added option to disable AS3X Throttle arm. New setups will have this disabled by default. -Added new option "Dynamic Response", which can now be disabled. This feature is a part of the AS3X+ improvements, but some may want to disable to allow models to show more of their natural stability. -Fixed an issue with SAFE Failsafe not working if SAFE Select wasn't enabled. (Only affects BNF's) -Fixed an issue where sometimes the Nosehweel channel would get stuck and be unchangeable. -Acceptable trim range is now based off travel range instead of fixed value (previously was fixed to +/-30% even though this range changes based on channel travel settings). Version 3.1.3 AS3X+ UPDATE (July 18, 2024) --------------------------------- - Feature Updates (Some features may not work without the latest radio update. See relevant wiki pages regarding setup for new features) - AS3X upgraded to AS3X+ (will require factory reset after conversion from 2.X.X to 3.X.X to use AS3X+ features) - Nosewheel Stabilization - Aux Output Stabilization (does not include additional Gyro Systems) - Hand Launch Assist (Requires SAFE setup) - SMART Transmitter File transfer (Gives the ability to download transmitter model files from supported receiver setups in BNF models). - New gain channel setup structure. Up to 10 flexible gain channel slots configurable for a variety of stabiliztion settings. - Gyro Response Test menu in forward programming. (Forward Programming > Gyro Settings > System Setup > Utilities > Gyro Response Test) - Adjustable Gyro Filter Level from 1 to 4 (default = 2). Setting can be found in Forward Programming > Gyro Settings > System Setup > Next Page. - Bug Fixes - Fixed SRXL2 bug where some telemetry messages were duplicated - Factory reset now puts rx into bind mode in order to capture throttle failsafe position (specifically needed for gas models with reversed throttle channel) - Improvement to startup telemetry to reduce false alarms from stabilizing values - Fixed minor issue on bench testing where very minor movements could still be seen as 0 movement by the gyro. Issue did not affect actual flight use. - If SRXL2 is set for throttle in the Frame Rate menu, a First Time Setup or Servo Relearn Settings won't revert it back to 11ms frame rate. Version 2.48.0 (January 16, 2024) --------------------------------- - Added Forward Prog option to set the Frame Rate for CH1 to "SRXL2" to override the auto-detection and force it to communicate via SRXL2. NOTE: This is especially useful when the receiver is powered with a separate battery and is running before a connected Smart ESC receives power. - Added a patch to correct the Voltage calibration for units whose invalid factory calibration resulted in voltage readings much lower than actual - Improved SRXL2 performance and compatibility with Smart ESCs and Spektrum Sky Remote ID Modules - Fixed a bug introduced in 2.46.1 that prevented aileron stabilization from working on sailplanes when assigned to CH1 (thanks RemE) Version 2.46.1 (June 6, 2023) ----------------------------- - Fix bug introduced in v2.44.2 in which SAFE failsafe incorrectly used SAFE gains from the flight mode that was active when failsafe occurred rather than the configured SAFE failsafe flight mode. Version 2.44.2 (January 24, 2023) --------------------------------- - Added new Advanced Menu hiding/showing logic instead of requiring a firmware update to unlock additional menus in BNF models - Improved servo frame rate stability Version 2.38.5 (December 21, 2020) -------------------------------- - Improved attitude estimation - Fixed Panic not using Throttle to Pitch feature if it was set in the Panic FM Version 2.37.8 (October 6, 2020) -------------------------------- -Made servo framerate screen available to users to address servos that can't handle 11ms (11ms is automatically set for any channels that have gyro stabilization). Make sure to exit forward programming, and reboot the receiver for any changes to take effect. These settings will be changed again if performing a First Time Setup or Relearn Servo Settings. -In flight trim capture now happens independently per channel instead of requiring all channels to be still/within range. -Tweaked gyro calibration procedure to improve chances of success if the model is moved slightly -Slight improvement to servo framerate stability This update allows for owners of Bind-n-Fly and Ready to Fly models equipped with an AR637TA to be able to unlock their receivers. - Allows users to factory reset the receiver, permitting the AR637TA to program via Forward Programming like an open stock AR637T - Allows users to preserve the preset settings of the AR637TA, with the addition of tuning AS3X gains and some flight mode settings - Adds a Frame Rate menu allowing for users to customize Servo frame rate output settings Some important notes - We strongly suggest backing up the receiver via the forward programming menu before making any changes - If you factory reset an AR637TA, the model presets and suggested settings used for the preset code on the AR637TA will no longer function as before with the preset settings on the AR637TA. - ALWAYS CONFIRM CORRECT CONTROLS AND STABILIZATION CORRECTIONS BEFORE USE Here is a video link for more info on Unlocking your AR637TA - Here is a video playlist on how to program a open stock AR637T or factory reset AR637TA - Version 2.35 (June 1, 2020) --------------------------- - Correct the G-force telemetry Z-axis sign so it reports +1.0G on the ground - Add support to enable AS3X automatically when no throttle input has been assigned - Fix bug that could prevent telemetry from working on DX6/7 Gen2 radios in 22ms RF modes (thanks PolarFlyer & Bitingwolf) - Fix bug in which RSSI always reports 100% when using DX6/7 Gen2 EU-mode radios (thanks HeliMLM) Version 2.34.7 (May 11, 2020) --------------------------------- - Initial release