Version 3.2.7 (January 6, 2025) --------------------------------- Stabilization -Fixed throttle gyro arming to work even when AS3X is INH (on primary and additional gyro systems) -Added option to disable startup gyro calibration. This disables SAFE and Heading hold. -Added option to disable AS3X Throttle arm. New setups will have this disabled by default. -Added new option "Dynamic Response", which can now be disabled. This feature is a part of the AS3X+ improvements, but some may want to disable to allow models to show more of their natural stability. -Fixed an issue with SAFE Failsafe not working if SAFE Select wasn't enabled. (Only affects BNF's) -Fixed an issue where sometimes the Nosehweel channel would get stuck and be unchangeable. -Acceptable trim range is now based off travel range instead of fixed value (previously was fixed to +/-30% even though this range changes based on channel travel settings). Version 3.1.3 AS3X+ UPDATE (July 18, 2024) --------------------------------- - Feature Updates (Some features may not work without the latest radio update. See relevant wiki pages regarding setup for new features) - AS3X upgraded to AS3X+ (will require factory reset after conversion from 2.X.X to 3.X.X to use AS3X+ features) - Nosewheel Stabilization - Aux Output Stabilization (does not include additional Gyro Systems) - Hand Launch Assist (Requires SAFE setup) - SMART Transmitter File transfer (Gives the ability to download transmitter model files from supported receiver setups in BNF models). - New gain channel setup structure. Up to 10 flexible gain channel slots configurable for a variety of stabiliztion settings. - Gyro Response Test menu in forward programming. (Forward Programming > Gyro Settings > System Setup > Utilities > Gyro Response Test) - Adjustable Gyro Filter Level from 1 to 4 (default = 2). Setting can be found in Forward Programming > Gyro Settings > System Setup > Next Page. - Bug Fixes - Fixed SRXL2 bug where some telemetry messages were duplicated - Factory reset now puts rx into bind mode in order to capture throttle failsafe position (specifically needed for gas models with reversed throttle channel) - Improvement to startup telemetry to reduce false alarms from stabilizing values - Fixed minor issue on bench testing where very minor movements could still be seen as 0 movement by the gyro. Issue did not affect actual flight use. - If SRXL2 is set for throttle in the Frame Rate menu, a First Time Setup or Servo Relearn Settings won't revert it back to 11ms frame rate. Version 2.48.0 (January 16, 2024) --------------------------------- - Added Forward Prog option to set the Frame Rate for CH1 to "SRXL2" to override the auto-detection and force it to communicate via SRXL2. NOTE: This is especially useful when the receiver is powered with a separate battery and is running before a connected Smart ESC receives power. - Added a patch to correct the Voltage calibration for units whose invalid factory calibration resulted in voltage readings much lower than actual - Improved SRXL2 performance and compatibility with Smart ESCs and Spektrum Sky Remote ID Modules - Fixed a bug introduced in 2.46.1 that prevented aileron stabilization from working on sailplanes when assigned to CH1 (thanks RemE) - Fixed XBUS bug that caused the final received byte to be cleared to 0, seen as GPS sensor always reporting S & W for lat & long (thanks Kambulunga) Version 2.47.0 (July 26, 2023) ------------------------------- - Initial release