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Factory Reset, Save to Backup Guide, and Restore From Backup Guide

This guide will provide an overview of the Factory Reset, Save to Backup, and Restore From Backup, features within the receivers forward programming interface.

Supported Devices


Supported transmitters include the following

  • iX20 (with app version 1.10.11+)

  • iX14 (with app version 1.02.11+)

  • iX12 (with app version 1.20.11+)

  • All NX Radios (with firmware version 3.13+)

  • Gen 2 DX Radios (with firmware version 2.10+)


Supported receivers include the following (with firmware 3.1.2+)

  • AR630

  • AR631

  • AS6420A

  • AR637T

  • AR637TA

  • AR8360T

  • AR10360T

  • AR20410T


  1. Enter Forward Programming

    1. iX: Model Adjust > Forward Programming

    2. NX: Function List (Press scroll wheel from Dashboard) > Forward Programming

  2. Forward Programming > Other Settings


  • Factory Reset

    • Description:

      • Resets the receivers model settings to factory defaults.

    • Notes:

      • Factory Resetting will erase bind data and will force the receiver into bind mode. Re-binding is required.

      • If the receiver model setup includes a SMART Transmitter File (included in some BNF models), it will be wiped as well as it is part of the receivers model setup.

      • Factory Reset WILL NOT erase the backup model space

  • Save to Backup

    • Description:

      • Saves a copy of the current receiver model setup into a separate memory space in the receiver.

    • Notes:

      • This feature can be used when you want to try changing receiver settings (such as gyro gains, features, etc), but aren’t sure if you’ll want to keep those changes. Saving to Backup will allow you to quickly revert to that state if you don’t like your changes.

      • Modern BNF models have the factory model setup pre-loaded into this space.

      • Save to Backup WILL OVERWRITE the current backup if there is one.

  • Restore from Backup

    • Description:

      • Overwrites the current receiver model setup with that which is saved in the backup space

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