Failsafe Setup Guide
This guide will provide an overview of the Failsafe features within the receivers forward programming interface.
Note: This failsafe guide doesn’t cover SAFE Failsafe. This is covered in the SAFE Failsafe Setup Guide.
Supported Devices
Supported transmitters include the following
iX20 (with app version 1.10.11+)
iX14 (with app version 1.02.11+)
iX12 (with app version 1.20.11+)
All NX Radios (with firmware version 3.13+)
Gen 2 DX Radios (with firmware version 2.10+)
Supported receivers include the following
Enter Forward Programming
iX: Model Adjust > Forward Programming
NX: Function List (Press scrollwheel from Dashboard) > Forward Programming
Forward Programming > Other Settings > Failsafe
The failsafe feature allows you to set up the behavior of your receivers outputs when signal is lost. The options can be found in the Forward Programming > Other Settings > Failsafe menu.

Outputs - Select the channel/output for which you’d like to modify the failsafe behavior.
Custom Failsafe - Set the desired failsafe behavior to be used
Hold Last - Output keeps the position it was at when signal loss occurs.
Preset - Output changes to a pre-configured position.
Position - Sets the channel position to be used when the Custom Failsafe is set to Preset.
There is a third failsafe option that is not configured on this menu. (Only available for Stabilized Receivers)
SAFE Failsafe - Any outputs tied to a control surface will be taken over by SAFE to achieve the desired attitude angles.
Any outputs controlled by SAFE (usually any Roll or Pitch outputs) will ignore the Custom Failsafe configuration (Hold Last or Preset) .
See SAFE Failsafe Setup Guide to configure.
Default Behavior
Default configuration consists of Ch1/Throttle set to Preset, and the rest of the channels set to Hold Last. The Preset positions will be captured upon binding for all channels. Preset positions will be recorded for all channels, regardless of whether they are set to Preset or not.
Re-binding will reset all Custom Failsafe and Position values to the configuration described in the previous bullet.
SAFE Failsafe configuration will not be cleared out by a rebind.
Capture Failsafe Positions
An alternative method to setting failsafe positions is to use the Capture Failsafe Positions option in
Forward Programming > Other Settings > Failsafe > Capture Failsafe Positions

Using this menu will overwrite all failsafe Positions with the current positions of each channel. This behavior is similar to rebinding. However, it won’t change any of the Custom Failsafe options (Hold Last or Preset).
Before verifying failsafe positions, make sure to remove the propeller from the motor if using an electric motor.
With the system on (transmitter and receiver), note the current position of the servos.
Turn off or put the radio to sleep to disable RF transmission.
The motor/servo outputs should behave according to their failsafe configuration.
Hold Last - Servos shouldn’t move
Preset - Servos should move to the configured preset position. Default failsafe for the throttle/motor output is for the motor to shutoff (electric) or idle/shutoff (gas).
SAFE Failsafe - Roll and Pitch outputs should behave as if the model were in SAFE mode. They should move as the model is tilted.
If the motor doesn’t stop or achieve the desired behavior, make sure to adjust the failsafe position as needed.