Receiver 2.X.X to 3.X.X Conversion Guide
This guide will go over the receiver conversion process from 2.X.X to 3.X.X, and what to expect after conversion.
Supported Devices
Supported receivers include the following (with firmware 3.0.0+)
1. Can be updated normally (2 step procedure not required)
Update Notes
NOTE: Before updating, please consider these notes before updating your receiver to 3.X.X! These notes might help you determine whether updating a receiver from 2.X.X to 3.X.X is right for you! Please read these notes carefully!
The main purpose of this conversion is to acquire AS3X+ capabilities, extra features, and bug fixes on the supported receivers listed above.
AS3X+ capabilities only apply to stabilized receivers.
When updating a receiver from 2.X.X to 3.X.X, the existing model setup within the receiver will be converted to be compatible with 3.X.X.
This converted model will have the same behavior and performance as it did on 2.X.X firmware. This means you can update and fly without any changes. It WILL NOT automatically have AS3X+ performance and settings configured.
The model setup stored in the receivers backup space will also be converted for 3.X.X compatibility.
Your receiver won’t automatically have AS3X+ options immediately after an update. There are 2 ways to get AS3X+ capabilities after updating.
Factory reset the receiver, and setup stabilization from scratch. Do not copy the AS3X gain settings that you used on previous 2.X.X firmware! The algorithm has changed enough to warrant finding proper gain values again!
Import a model file that has been set up for 3.X.X firmware. For example, some BNF models will have new updated model files created specifically for 3.X.X/AS3X+ firmware.
WARNING: When converting a receiver with a BNF model file setup. If you intend to Factory Reset and do your own setup for AS3X+ capabilities, you will need to make a new transmitter model file with proper wing types, servo settings, gain channel assignment, etc. as the receiver will no longer be handling these for you!
WARNING: If you are converting a model that is not a recent BNF model, after updating the receiver go to Forward Programming > Other Settings > Save To Backup. This will save a backup of your converted 2.x.x model file just in case you want to revert back to those settings.
For a detailed list on what the update provides, please see the changelog of your receivers 3.X.X update.
If updating an AR10360T, simply update as normal and read through the Update Notes section.
The rest of the receivers require a 2 step procedure.
NOTE: Once updated to 3.X.X using this step process, there is no going back!
If you are unsure of whether this update is right for you, consider looking at the Update Notes section above
Make sure to download and install the latest version (3.9.0 as of writing this article) of the Spektrum Programmer from
Connect your receiver to its designated Prog port. Either power the receiver with a separate source, or use the Power Cable checkbox in the programmer. Only power with one or the other, not both!
If the RX does not auto connect use the connect button at the top right of the screen. You might need to have your radio off before applying power to the receiver if its already bound when following this procedure. Once the RX is connected the message at the top right will read Cable and Device Connected.
If prompted with a Model Missmatch window, select Use Device Settings. This will save the receivers current model settings to the selected model file.

Once the receiver connects to the programmer, select the Software Update section on the left.
Select Install Another Version. (You may need to register the receiver before updating)
Select the Conversion Firmware V2.X.X to V3.X.X update.
This firmware will perform some tasks to make a 2.X.X receiver compatible with 3.X.X firmware.
THERE IS NO GOING BACK to 2.X.X after this conversion!

You can now click the Update button.
Once the update is complete and you confirm the update complete prompt, the receiver will blink rapidly a few times, and then it should re-appear again on the programmer with 3.0 instead of its previous 2.X firmware.

At this point, your receiver is prepared for updating to 3.X.X firmware.
You can now either install the recommended latest 3.x update, or choose Install Another Version, and this time select a proper 3.X.X build. Then select Update! (As of writing this tutorial, the latest 3.X.X build is 3.1.3).

Once the update is complete, the programmer may prompt you to sync to a newly created model file on the programmer.
Use Device Settings will save the model setup that was just converted on the receiver to the newly created model on the programmer.
Use Computer Settings will replace the model setup on the receiver with the new model created on the Programmer. This is similar to factory resetting the receiver (assuming the selected model to sync is a freshly created model, and not a previously saved V3 model).
Read through the Update Notes section above for awareness of what to expect after the update, and how to make certain features available for use.
Once you have updated your RX if it was previously a model file from 2X firmware you will need to factory reset the file to get full use and features of 3x code. Once you have performed a reset you will need to setup and tune your model for any features you may want like AS3X+ or SAFE. See our other guides for this here :