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SAFE Hand Launch Assist (HLA) Setup Guide

This guide will provide an overview of the Hand Launch Assist (HLA) feature and how to set it up.

Supported Devices


Supported transmitters include the following

  • iX20 (with app version 1.10.11+)

  • iX14 (with app version 1.02.11+)

  • iX12 (with app version 1.20.11+)

  • All NX Radios (with firmware version 3.13+)

  • Gen 2 DX Radios (with firmware version 2.10+)


Supported receivers include the following (with firmware 3.0.0+)

  • AR630

  • AR631

  • AS6420A

  • AR637T

  • AR637TA

  • AR8360T

  • AR10360T

HLA Parameter Overview

  • HLA Flight Mode

    • Flight Mode which will be used when a hand launch is detected. Should be tuned for SAFE Angle Demand mode.

  • Threshold G’s

    • Threshold acceleration in G’s required to activate HLA. Lower will cause HLA to activate more easily. The max X axis G’s visible on the radio’s telemetry is a good way to gauge acceleration being reached on launch.

  • Threshold Throttle

    • Required throttle input % when launching the model to allow HLA to activate. Value should be the minimum throttle that is typically applied before hand launching the model.

  • Duration (S)

    • Duration in seconds for HLA to remain active after hand launch is detected.

  • Pitch Offset

    • Pitch up angle in degrees which will be applied when HLA is activated.


In order to set up HLA, the following prerequisites are required

  • Run through First Time Setup

  • Run through First Time SAFE Setup

  • Have a flight mode configured/tuned with SAFE Angle Demand

HLA Setup Procedure

This section will go over the HLA setup procedure. It assumes the Requirements listed above have already been met.

  1. With the receiver on and bound, enter Forward Programming.

  2. In forward programming, go to Gyro Settings > System Setup > Hand Launch Assist.

  3. Configure the parameters on this page as follows. Aside from the HLA Flight Mode, most defaults are typically a good starting point.

    1. HLA Flight Mode

      1. assign a flight mode which has been configured and tuned with SAFE Angle Demand mode enabled. Having the highest SAFE gains as possible for this flight mode will yield the best results regarding the model properly achieving the desired climb angle as well as leveling itself out from prop torque or poor launches.

    2. Threshold G’s

      • The default of 1.5 G’s is probably a good starting point. If hand launching is not activating HLA properly, try reducing this value. Otherwise, increase if less sensitivity is desired. The max X axis G’s visible on the radio’s telemetry is a good way to gauge acceleration being reached on launch.

    3. Threshold Throttle

      • Required throttle input % when launching the model to allow HLA to activate. Value should be the minimum throttle that is typically applied before hand launching the model.

    4. Duration (S)

      • Duration in seconds for HLA to remain active after hand launch is detected. 2 seconds is an adequate starting point to give the model some time to climb, as well as allow the user to get their hands back on the sticks.

    5. Pitch Offset

      • Pitch up angle in degrees which will be applied when HLA is activated.

  4. Once the HLA configuration is done, go back twice in forward programming (should be in the Gyro Settings page). Now enter the F-Mode Setup and select the Next page option.

  5. There is a Hand Launch Assist option here which determines in which flight modes HLA is allowed to activate in. Set this option to Act for any flight modes in which you’ll be hand launching the model, and would like HLA to activate.

HLA Testing and Operation

This section will go over how to test HLA and what the expected operation procedure is.

Aside from HLA being configured, there are a few conditions to be met in order for HLA to be “Ready” to use.

  • Model must be freshly booted. HLA will always be “Ready” after the first boot.

  • Once the model has already activated HLA during flight, it can return to a “Ready” state if the following conditions are met

    • Throttle is less than 5%

    • The model remains totally still for 2 seconds (throttle must be below 5% during these 2 seconds)

When HLA is “Ready” for operation, the following steps must be followed to activate it.

  1. Set your flight mode to any modes in which you’ve allowed HLA to activate from step 5 of the HLA Setup Procedure section

  2. Apply your throttle above the Threshold Throttle value which you configured

  3. Launch the model

If HLA activates properly, the model should autolevel on Roll and climb at the Pitch Offset angle for the configured Duration.

Once this duration ends, the model should go back to normal operation of the currently selected flight mode.

If HLA doesn’t seem to activate try reducing the Threshold G’s value.

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