AS3X+ Aux Output Setup and Multi Gyro System Guide
This guide will provide an overview of the Aux Output Setup and Multi Gyro System features
Supported Devices
Supported transmitters include the following
iX20 (with app version 1.10.11+)
iX14 (with app version 1.02.11+)
iX12 (with app versijon 1.20.11+)
All NX Radios (with firmware version 3.13+)
Gen 2 DX Radios (with firmware version 2.10+)
Supported receivers include the following (with firmware 3.0.0+)
AR20410T + Synapse Module
* Doesn’t support additional Gyro Systems.
Aux Output Settings Overview
Note that all these outputs should theoretically get set properly by the Aux Output Wizard, and won’t typically need to be adjusted.
Source Channel
Description: Radio channel being used to drive the output
Values: Inhibit, or any channel not being used for any control surfaces
This value can only be set by the Aux Output Wizard
Sub Trim
Description: Determines the center point around which the in flight trim window can capture. Should match the combination of radio subtrim and mix offset (if used). The Aux Output Wizard will capture Sub Trim from the channels radio setting, but it won’t account for any other offsets.
Values: -2048 to 2047
Travel -/+
Description: Positive and Negative travel values. This affects the travel range that the stabilization system will use.
Values: -150 to 0, or 0 to 150 (depending on if Travel - or Travel + respectively)
Abs Travel -/+
Description: Positive and Negative Absolute Travel values. This sets a hard cutoff on the channels output to help prevent servo binding.
Values: -2048 to 2047
Reverse (Roll, Pitch, Yaw)
Description: Reverse parameter for each individual axis. Used to determine which direction the channel will react for movements in Roll, Pitch, and Yaw
Values: Normal, Reversed
Gyro System
Description: Determines which Gyro System will drive this output. The standard/default Gyro System is 1 (this is what drives most standard control surfaces). If the output requires gain settings/features that are independent from the main surfaces, assign and setup a Gyro System higher than 1.
Values: 1 to 4
Axis Weight
Description: This determines how much of an effect each axis has on this individual output.
Values: 0% to 100%
Roll = 100%, Pitch = 0%, Yaw = 0%
Roll = 0%, Pitch = 100%, Yaw = 0%
Roll = 0%, Pitch = 0%, Yaw = 100%
Roll = 75%, Pitch = 75%, Yaw = 0%
Roll = 0%, Pitch = 75%, Yaw = 75%
Aux Output Radio Setup
Detailed example TBD. This would essentially by how to set up custom surfaces/outputs with mixes.
Aux Output Setup and Verification
This section will go over the Aux Output Wizard and how these extra outputs can be assigned to a separate Gyro System.
You must have your outputs set up on the radio side before following this guide! They cannot be a part of the models wing type options. Typically they will be set up with radio mixes.
With the receiver on and bound, enter Forward Programming.
In forward programming, go to Aux Output Settings > Aux Output Wizard.
For Source Chan, select the channel that was setup on the radio.
Before continuing, make sure the channel output is enabled (such as a mix that's not always enabled), and make sure you’re in a mode that gives this output its full intended travel range (dual rates at max, etc).
Follow the stick input steps shown. These steps will teach the receiver the proper travel range, axis weights, and axis reversing for the output.
Once the stick input steps are complete, you’ll be prompted to select a Gyro System for this output.
If this output is just an extra control surface/output that is intended to use the same stabilization parameters are your primary wing type surfaces, select Gyro System 1.
If this output is a custom control surface that needs its own set of stabilization parameters and/or needs to be enabled/disabled independently from your primary system, select Gyro System 2+.
Once this is done, select apply.
You can go back to Aux Output Settings > Aux Output Settings and your new output should now be selectable. Here you can review the parameters that were given to the output based on all the wizard steps.
You can tweak settings from here, or redo the Aux Output Wizard for this channel if needed.
There is also the option to Relearn settings for Aux Outputs in Gyro Settings > System Setup > Relearn Servo Settings. However Aux Outputs will only relearn Travel, Abs Travel, and Subtrim from the radio. Anything else such as reversing and axis weight will need to be manually adjusted, or retaught with the Aux Output Wizard.
Repeat steps 2 through 7 for any additional outputs that need stabilization.
Verify outputs work as expected
If assigned to Gyro System 1, the output should react along with primary control surfaces.
If assigned to Gyro System 2+, you will have to setup that Gyro System independently (See section Additional Gyro System Setup).
A good way to verify that the output moves in the correct direction in relation to the models movements, go to Gyro Settings > System Setup > Utilities > Gyro Response Test.
Being in this page will force all heading gains to 100%, which allows observing response directions with minimal movement.
Additional Gyro System Setup
This section will cover setting up extra Gyro Systems.
The best way to think of/visualize additional Gyro Systems is to treat them as if they were totally different receivers with their own stabilization parameters.
Unlike the primary Gyro System, additional Gyro Systems have a few parameters that are initialized differently.
AS3X Gains default to Roll = 0%, Pitch = 0%, and Yaw = 0% for every Flight Mode instead of Roll = 40%, Pitch = 50%, and Yaw = 60%.
AS3X Gains default to Fixed instead of Adjustable. This means they are not initially adjustable by a channel (even if a channel is setup to adjust them). They can be changed to Adjustable to be adjusted with a gain channel.
In the Gyro Settings > F-Mode Setup page, all flight modes have AS3X set to Inh instead of Act.
To adjust setting for a Gyro System, go to the Gyro Settings page, and at the bottom, change Gyro System to the value for the Gyro System who’s settings we want to adjust.
You will also notice in any page where the currently selected Flight Mode was displayed above, that now the Gyro System being modified will also be displayed.
Notice that some items will disappear from the page. These are usually settings which are not included in additional Gyro Systems (such as SAFE and Nosewheel)
Go to F-Mode Setup
If we want to be able to enable/disable stabilization for outputs on this system, go to FM Channel and assign the channel that will be used for this. This channel can be the same channel/switch used for the primary systems flight modes, or it can be a different one.
Now set AS3X to Act for any of this Gyro Systems flight modes in which we want to have stabilization enabled and exit this page.
If we want to use a Gain Channel for any of our gains in this new Gyro System, go to System Setup > Gain Channel Select, and select a Gain Channel slot that isn’t currently in use.
In this section, choose the gain channel to be used and the relevant settings that it will adjust.
At the bottom, make sure to select the Gyro System that this channel will be affecting. Gain Channels only affect the Gyro System they’re configured for.
Go back to the Gyro Settings page, then AS3X Settings > Fixed/Adjustable Gain.
Here, make sure to set the relevant gain parameters that you wish to adjust with recently configured gain channel to Adjustable instead of Fixed. Also don’t forget this setting is specific to each flight mode, so make sure to do this for any flight modes you want the gain channel to work in.
Note that there is a Next page option in this menu to other parameters such as Heading gain and Stop Lock/Release Rate.
Go to Gyro Settings > AS3X Settings and in either AS3X Gains or Heading, set the gains desired for the flight modes you want. This guide won’t go over tuning.
You should now have an additional Gyro System setup that works independently of the primary. Make sure outputs behave as expected in the proper switch positions if a flight mode switch was assigned. Remember throttle must be bumped past 25% momentarily for AS3X+ gains to take effect.