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Receiver Flight Mode Guide (For Stabilized Receivers)

This guide will go over how to assign a channel to, and use the Flight Mode feature on the Receiver.

NOTE: The receiver flight modes and transmitter flight modes don’t have to correlate and can be independent.

Supported Devices


Supported transmitters include the following

  • iX20 (with app version 1.10.11+)

  • iX14 (with app version 1.02.11+)

  • iX12 (with app version 1.20.11+)

  • All NX Radios (with firmware version 3.13+)

  • Gen 2 DX Radios (with firmware version 2.10+)


Supported receivers include the following (with firmware 3.0.0+)

  • AR630

  • AR631

  • AS6420A

  • AR637T

  • AR637TA

  • AR8360T

  • AR10360T

  • AR20410T + Synapse Module

Flight Mode Channel Values Table

This table is a reference for what channels are required to achieve each flight mode.

Receiver Flight Mode

Required Channel Output





















There are many methods for which the proper channel values can be set to achieve receiver flight modes. A few will be covered below.

Note: For any of the following guides, the Gyro “First Time Setup” must have been completed

Enabling more than 3 Flight Modes

By default, the system won’t allow more than 3 flight modes. To enable additional flight modes, follow the steps below.

  1. Enter Forward Programming

  2. Go to Gyro Settings > System Setup > Utilities, and change Enabled F-Modes to the amount you’d like to use.

Usage Overview

Flight Modes gives the user the ability to enable/disable different features using a separate channel. This can be used in a multitude of ways.

  • No Flight Mode Setup: Just using a gain channel from first time setup to set gains with a knob/trimmer, or assigned to a switch for on/off behavior. This behavior is similar to using 3rd party gyro systems.

  • Gyro On/Off Flight Mode Setup: Using an extra switch + channel to have an AS3X+ on and AS3X+ off mode. This can serve as an override on/off to the separate gain channel.

  • Full Flight Mode Setup: Using a switch, or combination of switches on the transmitter to switch between different flight modes with different features on. In this case, it is ideal to use the gain channel just for tuning, and then capture the effective gains in the desired flight mode.

    • Some features that can be be setup with different flight modes.

      • Gyro Off

      • Gyro On - Low AS3X+ Gains

      • Gyro On -Mid AS3X+ Gains

      • Gyro On - High AS3X+ Gains

      • Gyro On - AS3X+ Gains and Heading Gains

      • SAFE On

      • etc…

    • Inputs for the Flight Mode channel itself can be the following

      • Switch directly assigned to channel (max of 3 Flight Modes with 3 position switch)

      • Assigning transmitter Flight Mode feature to a channel (max of 10 Flight Modes if using up to 3 switches)

      • Setting up a Logical Switch. A logical switch allows the user to combine switches to get different channel outputs, similar to the Flight Mode feature. (max of 9 Flight Modes when using 2x 3 position switches).

No Flight Mode Setup

This setup style is fairly straightforward. Just run through the first time setup with a gain channel!

Gyro On/Off Flight Mode Setup

  1. Enter Forward Programming and go to Gyro Settings > F-Mode Setup > FM Channel

  2. For FM Channel, select an unused channel

  3. For Switch, assign the switch that will be used to enabled/disable the gyro.

  4. Select “Next” or “Back”

  5. In the F-Mode Setup screen, flip the switch that was assigned to the FM Channel. The Flight Mode at the top should change between

    1. Flight Mode 1 and 3 when using a 2 position switch

    2. Flight Mode 1, 2, and 3 when using a 3 position switch

  6. For the switch positions where you want the gyro disabled, set AS3X to “Inh”.

  7. Exit Forward Programming to save settings.

Full Flight Mode Setup

Single Switch

This setup is very similar to the Gyro On/Off Flight Mode Setup section.

  1. Enter Forward Programming and go to Gyro Settings > F-Mode Setup > FM Channel

  2. For FM Channel, select an unused channel

  3. For Switch, assign the switch that will be used to enabled/disable the gyro.

  4. Select “Next” or “Back”

  5. In the F-Mode Setup screen, flip the switch that was assigned to the FM Channel. The Flight Mode at the top should change between

    1. Flight Mode 1 and 3 when using a 2 position switch

    2. Flight Mode 1, 2, and 3 when using a 3 position switch

  6. After verifying that flight modes change accordingly with switch input changes, set the desired features to be Act (Active)/Inh (Inhibited) in each selected flight mode.

Transmitter Flight Modes

This method will allow combining multiple switches to achieve more than 3 flight modes. However, it might not be desired if Transmitter Flight modes are already being used for different flap positions in order to have individual flight trims saved for each flap position. If so, consider the Logical Switch option instead.

Transmitter Setup

  1. From the Dashboard, enter iX: Model Setup > Flight Mode Setup, NX: Function List (Press scrollwheel) > System Setup >F-Mode Setup.

  2. Assign the combination of switches desired to achieve more than 3 flight modes.

  3. On NX radios, go to the “Next” screen to show the Flight Mode Table

  4. Each entry on the table represents each possible unique combination of positions between the selected switches. Assign the desired flight mode that you want for each combination of switches. In some cases, you can make an entire row/column the same flight mode if desired (such as for having a gain off flight mode when one switch is in a specific position, regardless of the other).

  5. Exit this menu and return to the dashboard. Now go to iX: Model Setup > Digital Switch Setup, NX: Function LIst (Press scrollwheel)> Digital Switch Setup.

  6. In the Switch option, select Flight Mode.

  7. Make sure each Flight Mode has its channel value set to match the values indicated in the Flight Mode Channels Table described at the beginning of this article. These values should match this table by default on new model files.

Receiver Setup

Before continuing, follow the Enabling more than 3 Flight Modes to enable the desired amount of receiver flight modes that will be used.

  1. Enter Forward Programming and go to Gyro Settings > F-Mode Setup > FM Channel

  2. For FM Channel, select an unused channel

  3. For Switch, select Flight Mode.

  4. Select “Next” or “Back”

  5. In the F-Mode Setup screen, flip the switches that were assigned to the transmitters flight mode feature. The Flight Mode at the top should match those setup on the transmitters flight mode table.

  6. Enable/disable the desired features for each flight mode. Note that some features won’t be displayed until certain setup steps are done (SAFE for example wont show up until First Time SAFE Setup is done).

Logical Switch

This method will allow combining multiple switches to achieve more than 3 flight modes similarly to how the transmitters Flight Mode feature allows combining switches. However, this gives you the option to decouple the transmitters flight modes and the receivers flight modes.

Transmitter Setup

  1. From the Dashboard, enter iX: Model Setup > Logical Switch Setup, NX: Function List (Press scrollwheel) > Logical Switch Setup.

  2. Select an unused logical switch slot (Logical Switch 1 if you haven’t set one up on the current model before).

  3. Assign the combination of switches desired to achieve more than 3 receiver flight modes.

  4. Each entry on the table represents each possible unique combination of positions between the selected switches. Assign the desired “switch output position” that you want for each combination of switches. In some cases, you can make an entire row/column the same switch output if desired (such as for having a gain off receiver flight mode when one switch is in a specific position, regardless of the others position).

  5. To set the channel output value for each combination

    1. iX Radio: On the same screen, Set the Output Pos value on the bottom of the right column to the channel value required to achieve the desired receiver flight mode (see Flight Mode Channels Table described at the beginning of this article).

    2. NX Radio: Go back one screen, then select Digital Switch Setup. Set the channel value for each “Position” to the channel value required to achieve the desired receiver flight mode (see Flight Mode Channels Table described at the beginning of this article).

Receiver Setup

Before continuing, follow the Enabling more than 3 Flight Modes to enable the desired amount of receiver flight modes that will be used.

  1. Enter Forward Programming and go to Gyro Settings > F-Mode Setup > FM Channel

  2. For FM Channel, select an unused channel

  3. For Switch, select Flight Mode.

  4. Select “Next” or “Back”

  5. In the F-Mode Setup screen, flip the switches that were assigned to the logical switch feature. The Flight Mode at the top should match the configured positions based on their output channel setup.

  6. Enable/disable the desired features for each flight mode. Note that some features won’t be displayed until certain setup steps are done (SAFE for example wont show up until First Time SAFE Setup is done).

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