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SAFE Failsafe Setup Guide

SAFE Failsafe can be used to automatically level the model to specified angles when signal is lost. This can help save the model by providing time to regain signal, or bring the model down in a bit more of a controlled manner compared to with no intervention at all.

Supported Devices


Supported transmitters include the following

  • iX20 (with app version 1.10.11+)

  • iX14 (with app version 1.02.11+)

  • iX12 (with app version 1.20.11+)

  • All NX Radios (with firmware version 3.13+)

  • Gen 2 DX Radios (with firmware version 2.10+)


Supported receivers include the following (with firmware 3.0.0+)

  • AR630

  • AR631

  • AS6420A

  • AR637T

  • AR637TA

  • AR8360T

  • AR10360T

  • AR20410T + Synapse Module


In order to set up SAFE Failsafe, the following prerequisites are required

  • Run through First Time Setup (See AS3X+ Setup Guide)

  • Run through First Time SAFE Setup (See SAFE Setup Guide)

  • Have a flight mode configured/tuned with SAFE Angle Demand (See SAFE Setup Guide)

Parameter Overview


  • Safe Failsafe Flight Mode

    • Description: Determines the receiver flight mode to use stabilization gains from during failsafe.

    • Values: Inhibit, Flight Mode 1-10

    • Notes:

      • It is recommended to copy SAFE configured flight mode settings to an unused flight mode slot, and then select this flight as the SAFE Failsafe Flight Mode

  • Failsafe Angles

    • Roll

      • Description: Sets the target Roll angle for the model to fly at during a failsafe.

      • Values: -90 to 90 degrees

      • Notes:

        • It is not recommended to use high bank angles for SAFE Failsafe

    • Pitch

      • Description: Sets the target Pitch angle for the model to fly at during a failsafe.

      • Values: -90 to 90 degrees

      • Notes:

        • Make sure the configured pitch angle isn’t high enough to cause a stall, as it is recommended for throttle to shut off during a failsafe.

Setup Procedure

  1. Make sure you have a receiver flight mode set up with AS3X+ and SAFE Angle Demand.

    1. Verify that this mode operates properly in the air.

    2. All your gains in this flight mode should be Captured/Fixed so that they don’t depend on specific channel positions for the proper gain.

  2. Optional - You can copy this receiver flight mode configuration to an unused flight mode to make sure its unchanged for Failsafe usage.

    1. Go to Forward Programming > Gyro Settings > System Setup > Utilities > Copy Flight Mode Settings.

    2. For your Source Flight Mode, select the flight mode with AS3X+ and SAFE Angle Demand already configured.

    3. For your Target Flight Mode, select an unused flight mode where you’ll store the stabilization settings used for SAFE Failsafe.

    4. Select Apply and confirm the rest of the prompts.

  3. Go to Forward Programming > Gyro Settings > System Setup > SAFE/Panic Mode Setup.

  4. For SAFE Failsafe Flight Mode, select the flight mode that has already been configured to work in SAFE (either an actually used flight mode, or the Target Flight Mode selected in step 2. c.)

Changing settings in this flight mode can affect SAFE Failsafe behavior. This is why its recommended to copy the flight mode that will be used by SAFE Failsafe into a separate unused slot to prevent accidental tweaking.

  1. Now go to Failsafe Angles

  2. Set your Roll and Pitch failsafe angles to the angles you want your model to fly at when losing signal.

  3. Exit forward programming.

  4. Before verifying failsafe positions, make sure to remove the propeller from the motor if using an electric motor.

  5. Turn off or put the radio to sleep to disable RF transmission.

  6. The model should now behave as if it were in SAFE mode.

If there are any unexpected behaviors in any of the models outputs that aren’t tied to SAFE functionality, see the Failsafe Setup Guide for general guidance on failsafe setup on other outputs.

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