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SAFE Setup Guide

This guide will provide an overview to the SAFE parameters and setup

Supported Devices


Supported transmitters include the following

  • iX20 (with app version 1.10.11+)

  • iX14 (with app version 1.02.11+)

  • iX12 (with app version 1.20.11+)

  • All NX Radios (with firmware version 3.13+)

  • Gen 2 DX Radios (with firmware version 2.10+)


Supported receivers include the following (with firmware 3.0.0+)

  • AR630

  • AR631

  • AS6420A

  • AR637T

  • AR637TA

  • AR8360T

  • AR10360T

  • AR20410T + Synapse Module


  • First Time Setup must have been completed. See AS3X+ Setup Guide for more details.

  • A receiver Flight Mode channel channel must have been set up. See Receiver Flight Mode Guide for more details.

  • Tune and capture AS3X+ gains in the receiver flight mode where SAFE will be enabled. See AS3X+ Setup Guide for more details.

    • Note that AS3X+ can be tuned and captured in another receiver flight mode, followed by copying those flight mode settings to the desired receiver flight mode where SAFE will be used using the Copy Flight Mode Settings utility in Forward Programming > Gyro Settings > System Setup > Utilities > Copy Flight Mode Settings.

Parameter Overview

These parameters can be found in Forward Programming in Gyro Settings > SAFE Settings

  • SAFE Gains

    • Description: Adjusts the strength with which the model tries to achieve its target flight angle (based on the current stick position)

    • Values: 5 to 100 %

    • Notes:

      • Increasing this value too much will cause oscillations.

  • Angle Limits

    • Description:

      • SAFE Mode - Self Level/Angle Demand: Determines the flight angle range that the users stick inputs will be converted into for the model.

      • SAFE Mode - Envelope: Determines the angle limits at which Envelope mode will engage and stop the model.

    • Values:

      • Roll: 10 to 90 Degrees

      • Pitch: 10 to 75 Degrees

    • Notes:

      • Higher pitch limits run the risk of the model to overshooting and looping around if it manages to go past the 90 degree angle point.

  • Fixed/Adjustable Gain

    • Description: If Adjustable, your setting values are getting scaled by their assigned gain channel. If Fixed, the setting values stay as is, regardless of whether a gain channel has been assigned to them or not. Ideally, this setting should be changed from Adjustable to Fixed using the Capture Gains function.

    • Values: Fixed, Adjustable (Default = Fixed)

    • The following SAFE settings are adjustable with a gain channel (visible by selecting the Next page option within the Fixed/Adjustable menu)

      • SAFE Gain

    • Notes:

      • These parameters are unique per flight mode, so make sure you have the desired flight mode/s selected before adjusting

      • Caution should be used if manually changing this setting from adjustable to fixed. The calculation of the actual gain value will not be done unless capture gain values is used.

      • Unlike AS3X+, SAFE gains default to Fixed instead of Adjustable.

  • Capture Gains

    • Description: This function will calculate your effective gains/settings based on the currently set value, and your gain channel position. It will convert all your gains in the currently selected flight mode to Fixed, and adjust your gain values to those that were calculated. A preview of what values the gyro gains will be captured as is shown on the screen. Each setting type is previewed in additional Next pages.

  • Gain Channel Structure

    • Unlike previous parameters, these are configured in Gyro Settings > System Setup > Gain Channel Select

    • There is now a total of 10 gain channel slots, and each is customizable to affect a variety of settings. Note that only AS3X Normal Gain is automatically set to Adjustable after the first time setup (only in Gyro System 1). All other parameters are defaulted to Fixed and won’t get adjusted with a gain channel until changed to Adjustable.

      • Gain Channel: Channel being used for the selected gain channel slot.

        • Mode:

          • AS3X

          • SAFE

        • Axis:

          • Roll

          • Pitch

          • Yaw

          • All

        • Setting:

          • AS3X:

            • Normal Gain

            • Heading Gain

            • Stop Lock Rate

            • Stop Release Rate

          • SAFE:

            • Normal Gain

        • Gyro System: Gyro system that this channel affects (so for example, an AS3X Roll gain channel for Gyro System 1 won't affect Roll gain in other gyro systems).

First Time SAFE Setup

This section will go over the First Time SAFE Setup procedure

Before starting note the following menu locations

  • iX Radio:

    • Model Setup menu is available on the bottom center area of the screen from the Dashboard

    • Model Adjust menu is available on the bottom left corner of the screen from the Dashboard

  • NX Radio:

    • Function List menu is available by pressing the scrollwheel while on the Dashboard

Receiver Setup

  1. Make sure the Prerequisites are completed.

  2. With the receiver on and bound, enter Forward Programming (iX: Model Adjust > Forward Programming, NX: Function List > Forward Programming)

  3. In Forward Programming, got to Gyro Settings > First Time SAFE Setup.

  4. You will be prompted to make sure a flight mode channel has been configured. This should already be assigned based on the Prerequisites listed above. If not it will walk you thru assigning a channel for this.

  5. Select Continue.

  6. Make sure the receiver is currently in the flight mode where SAFE will be enabled by flipping the switch/switches assigned to the receiver flight mode feature, and confirming the selected flight mode is displayed at the top of the screen.

  7. Select Next.

  8. The next screen will point out that AS3X gains should be tuned in the flight mode/s where SAFE will be used. This should already be complete based on the Prerequisites listed above.

  9. Select Next.

  10. To account for offset mounting angles in the model, the attitude angle must be trimmed. Set the model as close to a level flight angle as possible, and select the Level model and capture attitude button. Trims should be captured. These values can be modified later if needed. Select Next.

  11. The receiver flight mode where SAFE will be enabled should already be selected. Set the SAFE Mode to Self Level/Angle Demand.

  12. Set the Roll and Pitch angle limits to those desired. The default values are fairly conservative and can be increased to aggressive angle limits.

  13. Select Next.

  14. Select Apply. The receiver will reboot, and should perform the surface wiggle/dance 2 times instead of once, indicating that SAFE is configured.

  15. While on the ground, switch into the receiver flight mode with SAFE enabled. In this mode, the roll and pitch surfaces should move and stay deflected depending on the angle of the model. Once this is verified, we’ll move on to test flying.

Flight Testing

In most cases, the default SAFE gains are adequate but should be tested.

It is not recommended to take off/land in SAFE mode until all these tuning steps are completed.

  1. Set the receiver flight mode to an AS3X+ or gyro off mode and take off/fly the model.

  2. Starting in level flight and at a decent altitude to make up for unintended behavior, set the receiver flight mode to your SAFE mode. Make sure the model stays level.

  3. If the model doesn’t seem to fly level, then adjustments to the attitude trim might be needed.

    1. To do so, go to Forward Programming > Gyro Settings > System Setup > SAFE/Panic Mode Setup > Attitude Trim.

    2. If the model is pitching down, try incrementing the pitch value a few degrees. If the model is pitching up, try decreasing the pitch value a few degrees.

    3. If the model is rolling left, try incrementing the roll value a few degrees. If the model is rolling right, try decreasing the roll value a few degrees.

    4. Repeat steps 3.b. and 3.c until the model flies at the desired level angle when sticks are released.

  4. Now, at a safe altitude and medium to high speed flight, try individually rolling and pitching the model to full stick limits. Note if the amount desired is achieved at full stick travel. The model should stop at the programmed angle limits, and should return to level when the stick inputs are centered.

  5. Depending on the response of the stick inputs, the gains can be adjusted as follows. Gains can be found in Forward Programming > Gyro Settings > SAFE Gains.

    1. If the model feels sluggish in roll or pitch when applying inputs, land and increment the SAFE gain values for the relevant axis by 5%.

    2. If the model is bouncing on stops when reaching angle limits or releveling, land and decrement the SAFE gain values for the relevant axis by 5%.

  6. Repeat step 5 until the desired response/feel is achieved.

    1. When setting up for SAFE Failsafe or Panic, higher gains for a stronger response is desired.

    2. When setting up to fly in SAFE mode, lower gains for a softer response might be more desirable.

  7. SAFE Setup is now complete!

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